16 Apr Marketing your business on a tight budget
Marketing is such a crucial part of business success...
When creating a brand, it's important to think about the colours you use and what they represent. A recent project which involved the branding of child behaviour consultants, Two Steps Ahead NZ, is a great example of this (click here to see client branding). We...
E tū ake au ki runga tōku Maunga Rakautapu
E kītea ana tōku Moana
Ko Hokianga Whakapou karakia
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka i haria mai ōku tūpuna ki Aotearoa
No Ngapuhi me te rarawa ēnei kōhiwi he uri tēnei o Ngāi Tūpoto
Ko Ngāi Tūpoto tōku Whakaruruhau
Engari no Taranaki ahau e noho ana inaianei
Ko Charlotte Stark ahau
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Tu tonu te Maunga o Taranaki,
E rere ana ngā wai-awa o Onaero, Waitara, Oeo, Tangahoe
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He uri tenei no Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi, Ngāti Ruanui me Te Pakakohi hoki
Ko Taranaki te mounga
Ko Aotea te waka
Ko Te Awa a Taikehu te awa
No Pātea au
Ko Luther Ashford toku ingoa