Slide download your free phrase sheet in te reo Māori download māori greetings & phrases

Māori phrases to try out when you are meeting people, talking on the phone, or writing letters. We are also happy to help you incorporate words and phrases into your business communications and design. We don’t profess to be experts, but we do have a network of mentors and teachers.


Greetings to one

Tēnā koe (formal)
Kia ora (informal)

Dear Sir/Madam

Kei te manukura, tēnā koe (very formal)

Dear Michael

Tēnā koe Mikaere

Greetings to two

Tēnā kōrua (formal)
Kia ora kōrua (informal)

Greetings to three or more

Tēnā koutou (formal)
Kia ora koutou (informal)

Greetings to a friend

Tēnā koe e hoa (formal)
Kia ora e hoa (informal)

Good morning

Mōrena or Ata mārie

online meetings

Video conference

Hui ā-ataata


Hui topa


Hui tīma

Are we all here?

Kei konei tātou katoa?

Turn up the volume

Whakarahia te tangi

Turn down the volume

Whakaitia te tangi

Let’s begin everyone

Me tīmata tātou

Send me the meeting invite

Tukuna mai te tono hui

My connection is bad/poor

Kua raru taku hononga

Send … the meeting invite

Tukuna te tono hui ki a …

You’re on mute

Kua ngū tō reo

Turn on your video

Whakakāngia tō ataata

I will show/present my screen

Ka whakaaturia e ahau taku mata rorohiko

Share your screen

Tiria tō mata rorohiko

Turn off your video

Whakawetohia tō ataata

other phrases

Good morning

Ata mārie, mōrena

Would you like a coffee?

He kawhe māu?

Would you like a tea?

He tī māu?

Would you like a water?

He wai māu?

Sugar? Milk?

He huka? He miraka?

Yes, one moment please

Āe, taihoa mai koa

Yes, but unfortunately s/he is busy at the moment

Āe, engari kāore ia i te wātea i tēnei wā

Send him/her an email

Tukuna he īmera ki a ia

I would like to meet with you

Me hui tahi tāua

I would like to meet with you all.

Me hui tahi tātou

Shall I meet you (one person) for lunch?

Me haere tāua ki te kai rānui?

Shall we (more than one person) meet for lunch?

Me haere tātou ki te kai rānui?


Ki hea?

The printer is out of paper

Kua pau te pepa o te pūrere tā

Do you have a pen I can borrow?

He pene tāu hei mino mai?

Yes, I have a pen.

Āe, he pene āku

Thank you

Ngā mihi

Thank you very much

Ngā mihi nui

Thank you with appreciation

Ngā mihi maioha

Sorry, I’m sorry, my apologies

Kei te aroha atu

How are you? (one person)

Kei te pēhea koe?

How are you? (two person)

Kei te pēhea kōrua?

How are you? (three or more people)

Kei te pēhea koutou?

I’m well

Kei te pai

I’m very well

Kei te tino pai


Kia manahau!

Awesome! Fantastic!

Ka mau te wehi!

Merry Christmas

Mere Kirihimete


Yours sincerely (one signatory)

Nāku noa, nā

Yours sincerely (two signatories)

Nā māua noa, nā (very formal)

Yours sincerely (three signatories)

Nā mātou noa, nā

That is all for now

Heoi anō tāku mō nāianei

See you (again)

Ka kite (anō)

With best wishes

Ngā manaakitanga

Kind regards or thank you

Ngā mihi


Kia ora

Many thanks

Kia ora rawa atu

All the best

Noho ora mai

See you tomorrow

Hei āpōpō

See you on Monday

Hei te Rāhina


Yours faithfully

Nāku, nā

Goodbye for now

Hei konā mai

Bye for now, see you later

Mā te wā

Stay well, look after yourself, goodbye

Noho ora mai

Have a nice day

Kia pai tō rā

Have a nice day (two people)

Kia pai tō kōrua rā

Have a nice day (three or more people)

Kia pai tō koutou rā

Have a great weekend!

Kia pai ō tō rā whakatā


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